The different types of Sex Swings


or: the evolution of love swings

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In the case of sex swings, a basic distinction can be made between two basic variants “Slings” and “Swings”, both of which have their advantages and disadvantages.

Attempts have repeatedly been made to combine both variants, but have so far been relatively unsuccessful.

But now our young, innovative Swiss label “LONESOME DRAGON” finally offers some new models, which combine the advantages of slings and swings and make the very comfortable love swings “salonable” with their cheerful colours and its fresh design.

But let’s take a look at these differences one after the other (click below to open each section):

The “Swings” are the well-known models for domestic use, which consist of a seat belt and a shoulder belt as well as foot loops and are suspended from the ceiling via a connecting cross bar on a hook.
The advantage of these models is that only a single fixing point on the ceiling is necessary. However, as the head cannot be supported with this type of love swing and the user has to hold on with his hands, they are rather unsuitable for longer fun. In addition, the straps that carry the weight of the body are often perceived as very uncomfortable.
A “special form” of these swings are models that are clamped in the upper gap of a door instead of being attached to a hook, these are so-called “door swings”.
Different models of classic sex swings
The “slings”, on the other hand, are the more comfortable sex swings, which consist of a continuous contact surface (mat).
However, these are mostly in the BDSM area from a design point of view and must be mounted on four suspension points with chains on the ceiling or a room-filling frame in order to keep the support surface stretched.
Sex Sling types
There are already various, more or less successful and sometimes somewhat adventurous attempts to combine the advantages of the two types of love swing (one-point suspension and mat) in a single model.
However, none of these models is really convincing in terms of comfort and design; most models with a mat do not tension it either, which means that the user is restricted by the hammock effect.
Combined types of sex swings
The Swiss label LONESOME DRAGON has achieved a breakthrough in the evolution of love swings with the model “Private Euphoria” and helped it to triumph in the home bedroom and living room.
It is the only sex swing in the world that is not only extremely comfortable and yet completely inherently stable, but can also be hung from the ceiling at a single point (instead of four).
In addition, this love swing impresses not only with its unique comfort for private use, but also with its exterior; no chains and no black leather – pleasure should be something cheerful. For more information see LONESOME DRAGON "Private Euphoria".
Collage sex swing Private Euphoria - 02
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